I started to assemble my Shermans as per the instruction leaflet with the added coins for weight and value :) but soon ran into the dreaded 'awful fit' that I heard about on the net prior to buying Flames of War.
Below you can see how much green-stuff I used to close the gap between the top hull and side track section.
After assembling all the tanks I primed them with a black primer then painted them with a base coat of watered down black paint.
I then applied a two coats of Russian Uniform.
Next step was a liberal wash of a mix of 50/50 black and brown wash.
After that was dry I dry-brushed the tanks with Russian Uniform and cleaned up any areas that needed it.
All that is left is to complete the stowage and other details and it will be done. I am not applying any decals as none were supplied with the starter set, a mistake from Battlefront I think.