I was recently a guest on the Of Dice and Men podcast and one of the members, Phil who runs The Shell Case, asked me to write up a guest post for his site on a topic of my choosing. With the recent uproar over the actions against "Spots the Space Marine" and the subsequent closing of the Games Workshop HQ Facebook page, it was too current of a topic to ignore.

My very WIP Space M--Marines in Space
  It went up this morning and here's just a bit of it:
With any business/customer dynamic, no matter the context, effective communication is a key part of creating and maintaining a good relationship. But with some of the things Games Workshop has been up to lately, I feel that we’re getting left out in the cold. 
With the announcement that GW has closed its HQ Facebook page to utilize their individual store pages for customer interaction, a frothy response ensued. That coupled with (caused by) the “Spots the Space Marine” debacle really left me scratching my head. On one hand, they look like a child sticking their fingers in their ears while simultaneously coming off as school yard bullies.
To read the rest, go check out Cutting Through the Static over at The Shell Case!

The podcast I was on hasn't been released yet, but when it goes up I will provide a link to it.