Hello all, welcome back to Scratchbuilt 40k. I haven't updated in a while because I was hoping to be further along in this project than I am. Hopefully these images will help show just how much work I have accomplished in the last two weeks.
I have received requests in the past to do tutorials on the newer Landraider style. While I enjoy the Mk1 Landraiders I already have, it seems I should probably start making a few which match the current crop out there. While it doesn't look like much yet, this is what I have so far.
As you can see, in the last two weeks I have sculpted my own tank tracks and recreated enough for 3 Landraiders, cut panels for the wheel wells, and begun scribing the panels. The top image has what appears to be an unfinished door on the left hand side because I decided halfway through it would be silly to scribe the panel in an area I plan to cover up with a Lascannon anyways.
Hopefully in another two weeks all of the side walls will be done being scribed and I will have a chance to begin on the main bodies of these tanks. Till then, take care!
Scratch Built Landraider begun
by krisken | Feb 21, 2013