Some time last year, after having my Wood Elves trampled under the iron shod boots of a bunch of fatties, I decided it was time to try something new, something Elven but with a bit more of a punch. Enter the High Elves.

It was a bit of a struggle to decide on which army to play actually. High Elves were my first choice but then I began looking back to Beastmen and armies composed mostly of Minotaurs, Gorgons and just other big beasties but in the end I settled on the High Elves after playing a game and realising ASF with rerolls is amazing! (although rumour has it this might be gone in the new book due this Summer). Another reason for picking High Elves was their forthcoming army book. Never before have I played an army who is actually due a new book while I myself am still playing the game, so this will be interesting.

There's a Paynehammer event in April and I need 2400pts.....that's a lot to build and paint and I'm all out of primer! This has actually been a blessing in disguise as it's forcing me to spend time on building and basing meaning I can just spray everything the second I get my hands on a can of spray!

So let's see some pictures!

The horde grows...

White Lion unit filler

"You're going the wrong way!"

Basing in progress

Even with all this High business I haven't forgotten my Wood Elves. At this point they'll be a modelling and painting army as a new book doesn't look likely this decade.

I'll be modelling all my Tree kin to be more......part of the earth....where they tread roots will burst forth and cling to them as they pass.

Look out for more developments over the coming weeks, culminating in a crushing defeat for Richard and his Ogres!