After getting back from our family vacation in Australia, it certainly has been a busy week getting back in the swing of things. I have a bunch of projects on my table (at least four I think), so we'll get to those as they all near completion. Above is one of my Mechanicum pieces about a third of the way through. I'm looking forward to getting more paint on him soon : )

One advantage of going away for two weeks is that you can end up with a few packages waiting for you when you get back. I was excited to see the Badger Renegade Krome airbrush I ordered from Secret Weapon Miniatures was delivered. Time to put some yellow on my Lamenters Storm Raven, I think!

I was also surprised to find this cool package. Seems a few friends at Outlaw Miniatures sent me a little teaser package for their new game, Wild West Exodus. Above is issue #1 of the "comic of the game" (or is the game "the game of the comic"?), and I must say the story and art are very cool. Below is a "pre-production" test shot of one of the minion models for the game, and Animated Brute from The Enlightened faction. Like a lot of the models being released now by folks like Wyrd and Dream-Forge, this cool zombie is all plastic and wonderfully detailed. He should be a hoot to paint up, and is currently standing on a wooden plank base from FullBorer Miniatures.

I urge you all to head on over to the Outlaw Miniatures' Kickstarter campaign and see if it's something you're interested in. I'm really keen on the blend of Wild West, Steampunk, Sci-fi, and mystical zealotry.

Finally, here's a teaser of something I've been working on here and there. I think you'll see some more of him over the coming months : )
