I'm well and truly back in my game room, having successfully stopped battling 12-year olds for dominance of Black Ops II's multiplayer servers.

It's amazing how obnoxious people can get.  You've got these kids who haven't quite hit puberty spout off the most vile racial slurs imaginable, all while dropping the F-Bomb every other word.  Worse sometimes are the adults.  The other day, I was on at 3 in the morning (insomnia) with some guys in Europe.  This Brit couldn't quite take losing, so obviously somebody had to be cheating.  Or camping.  Or using the wrong gun.

Whatever.  I make use of the Twit Filter often.

(The mute button.  By the way, Aliens Colonial Marines sucks and Dead Space III is fun.  More fun is cranking out models.)

Oh, yeah.  The game room.  Kinda a mess to be honest...

...but who has time to clean?  I've got models waiting.