So I’ve decided it’s time for a bit of a purge.

With all the mud-slinging surrounding the GW I’ve decided to ditch my Chaos Space Marine project. The whole fiasco, between Spots the Space Marine and the Death from the Skies book, has left a bitter taste and I’m just sick of it. I can’t in good conscience support the company any more beyond the absolute minimum to keep playing 40k and the Specialist Games. This isn’t the rage quitting or the reaction of an angry young man (because I’m not that young) but I want to remove myself from all the negativity that seems to be pervasive in Wargaming at the moment. I can also try and regain a shred of impartiality, something I take very seriously. It’s hard to be objective if it’s your purse being squeezed. And when I say purse I mean manly wallet.

Equally I’m scaling back my spending with Spartan Games’ systems too. I just don’t understand what they’re about any more beyond churning out models left right and centre, all the while not addressing the terrible state of their rule sets or how unbalanced some of their factions are. Maybe I’m being quick to judge and it’s all in active dev but I can only go by what I see. And as long as they don’t address their background they’ll keep producing models like the utterly horrendous machine gun teams. And, again, if I’m focussing on stuff I like to do then I won’t be continually frustrated.

That doesn’t mean I’m giving the games up, I’m just not going to be working on anything new. Which will also give me the chance to get what I have painted and maybe, just maybe, get some games in.

What does this mean? Well, for one thing I’m going to be doing a lot of eBaying. My Sorylians will be getting the chop along with the Chaos stuff. I love the models, I’m just much more into my Terran Alliance fleet. I’ll also be concentrating on the games I’ve recently been introduced to and enjoy like Godslayer and Dreadball. I might even put paint to scenery…

And what does it mean for the blog? Well, not a lot really. I shall continue to write about the wargaming world, I shall continue to write reviews for models and games including the Games Workshop and Spartan because although I won’t be working on anything new, it doesn’t mean that my readers shouldn’t. My decision is a personal one and I’m not looking anyone to follow a crusade (or leave fan rage).

What I’m also hoping it’ll do is save me some money and give me some time. Regular readers will know I’m about to become a father, but that’s just a part of it. Having literally hundreds of unpainted models intimidates me into inactivity. And by cutting the number and only adding to an existing army if I really want something means that I can start to make a dent in them. And, more than anything, it’ll also mean I’ll have more time to work on the games that I’ve been developing.

So what began as somewhat of a moral stand has ended with me taking essentially a step back to allow me to appreciate my hobby as well as be more objective for the sake of the blog. You may have noticed a lack of content these last couple of weeks. It wasn’t the lack of something to say but the will to say it. I was having, for want of a better term, a crisis of faith and seriously considered rolling the blog up. In the end I realised the issue was that I was letting things ruin my hobby. Scaling back and refocussing on what I like rather than the latest piece of shiny is the only way of rekindling that love. It wasn’t an easy decision to make but I do think it’s the right one for me. But fear not I shall be as opinionated as ever I’ll just be doing it with fewer figure cases and a slightly healthier bank balance.