What is your Mission?

Been playing 40k for a while? Then you will certainly have played all the permutations of the standard missions... many, many times! You will know that if army/codex ‘X’ plays against opponent army/codex ‘Y’, then you will most likely get result ‘Z’. In fact, we all judge the perceived strengths of all the codices and rate them against each other – based on how they perform in a rather limited array of missions.
In the 6th edition book, five out of six missions feature some kind of objective(s) to be grabbed and held. Obviously missions of this ilk will suit any army which can either spam the board with multiple units (a la Tyranids with Tervigons) or an army which has a natural ability to withstand an onslaught of shots (ie power-armoured infantry, units with Feel No Pain or those with invulnerable saves).

What if the missions were more varied? Would that allow other codices, and more varied army builds from the more usual suspects, to have a better chance at competing in 40k?

 My aim is to produce an expanded set of missions and deployment set-ups to complement those already in existence. Ideally, this project would gain the support and acceptance by ‘the community’ and would become a resource that all can share and add to.

Later, I will be asking for contributions – both for missions and deployment set-up maps. I have about ten deployment maps sketched up, and rough ideas for around ten missions (these are in addition to the 6th edition ‘book’ missions and set-ups).

For now however (before I put in too much of my own time and effort), I am simply asking two questions to gauge the potential interest in this project: 

1.       Would you be happy to accept and play an expanded set of missions?
2.       What sorts of things would you like to see in an expanded set of missions?