Well boys and girls I have my final major project meeting today. This is the big one which I have to nail, after years of having to do as I'm told, the ball is in my park!
Upon walking into the small room I lay down a pile of books, space wolve 3rd addition, index astartes, eye of terror, codex marines, chaos marines 6th edition, craft world eldar!
All the tutors were confused, I had a smirk on my face.
Why you ask?
Well I shall be creating my own codex for my own army, from cover, story, stat line , boarders and illustrations, this will be 100% new, 100% my own design and 100% spartan!
Yes the sons of Sparta and their tau allies will be getting a codex, with each unit beig represented!
There with be original illustrations, photography and typography the whole shabang!
I will even be painting the whole army, creating dihorammas and scenic back drops to photograph
So what you guys think?
Final major project: and what it has to do with 40k
by Dice Jesus | Feb 26, 2013