Hey guys!
So I sat down this weekend and rallied out a Blood Bowl team for a local client; unfortunately I don't get to play him in our league, but he's got the only fully painted team in the league!


 Lets break down the team!

#1 & 2: Decay Matthews and All Done Smith

#3: B.J. Rotti

#4 & 5: Rotty White and Sean Witherspoon

#6 & 7: Vernon Ghoulston and Troy Polamalghoul

#8-13: Various Zombies (Dunno where my other Zombie pictures went...)

#14: Arr Bit Her

The Elf is from a game in which he killed and resurrected him, so its kinda a jab at his buddy. Really had fun with this team, the zombies are really old sculpts, so they're hard to paint up, but I'm happy with them. Hopefully I'll get some in action shots of them too!

Alrighty, I'm going to my parents early for spring break, then working most of it, but I've got plans to blow through some Imperial Guard and some Grey Knights!
