Continuing on with the freebies and as it's my birthday, here's another gift to you all - square wound markers.  The more popular 1s and 2s with a sprinkling of 3, 4, 5s for monstrous creatures and the full 1-10 in blue for random nonsense like the Doom of Malan'tai

It'd be really nice to see these in action if anyone uses them, they also make handy hull point indicators too!

Usual step-by-step:
  1. Print
  2. Apply double sided tape to back
  3. Stick to mounting card
  4. Carefully apply sellotape to top if you want them pseudo-laminated
  5. Cut out with craft knife/scalpel
  6. Amaze your friends and enemies with these cards
  7. Tell them to visit for their own free markers.