OST here to pose some questions to the community concerning 30k. I don't talk about it here a whole lot, but I have been into the Heresy Era since before BL was publishing books about. 30k Hipster status aside, now that there are rules and models for it, I haven't actually ever seen anybody playing it and aside from the old Tempus Fugitives stuff (which is awesome), I haven't really seen a ton of traffic and actual batreps either. With that said, I have some questions for the Gurus out there when it comes to playing games in the 31st Millenium:
Where do people get together to talk Heresy Gaming? Is there a forum or blog I haven't discovered where there are legions (literally) of people playing and talking and sharing Heresy stuff based on the Forge World books?

How do people play. I have a bunch of Pre-Heresy Marines, but I am wondering if there are folks out there playing it with regular models or if it is frowned upon to do so?

How does it play? I have a fairly good grasp of rules and such from reading the first book, but I would love to hear some testimonials about it and how Primarchs perform on the table and how people set up a game. Basically how is it played?

How did you get into it and how did you decide that "Yes, I will spend some cash on this and play this game!" Did it come from reading and liking the BL books, did you just come to it naturally? For me personally, I get exited reading about pretty much any legion, especially the Traitors as I am a Chaos fan and really like how almost every legion has a Greek Tragedy style fall ... and with that said, How do you pick a legion? I would have a hard time because all of the traitors have an appeal to me.

Don't be shy any information is news to me as all I have is a copy of the first book and some models!