Well I left this morning at 530am for a 10-12 hour drive down to Indianapolis for the second Indy Open. I’m cruising down with some local players so it should be a fun trip.

This is what I decided on bringing for the event. For those that don’t know it’s a 1750pt GT that caps out at 64 players.

I managed to get it all painted up in the last three weeks (to be fair 28 of the IG were done before that). Haven’t had time to make an updated board for them though so it’s the same battle foam board I’ve had for the last year. I’ll be building my display now that my army is done and should have it done and pictures up before the Dark Star GT in two weeks.

Anyway, onto the list:

Primary Detachment: Dark Angels


Librarian – 100
Lvl 2, Force Axe

Librarian – 100
Lvl 2, Force Axe


5 Tactical Marines – 95
Missile Launcher, Flakk Missiles

5 Tactical Marines – 125
Combi-Melta, Melta, Drop Pod

Fast Attack

5 Assault Marines – 105
2xFlamers, Combi-Flamer

Allied Detachment: Imperial Guard


Company Command Squad – 105
Chimera w/Heavy Flamer


1st Platoon:

Platoon Command Squad – 40

Infantry Squad – 60

2 Infantry Squads – 140
Auto-cannon, Power Axe

Infantry Squad – 75
Auto-cannon, Power Axe, Melta Bomb

2nd Platoon:

Platoon Command Squad – 40

Infantry Squad – 60

2 Infantry Squads – 140
Auto-cannon, Power Axe

Infantry Squad – 75
Auto-cannon, Power Axe, Melta Bomb

Fast Attack

2 Vendettas – 260

Heavy Support

Leman Russ Executioner – 230
Plasma Cannon Sponsons


I think it’s a solid list. It provides 6 scoring units when all blobbed up and more when it’s not. It’s got solid anti-air defense in the vendettas and twin-linked blobs with a little support from the Flak missile (couldn’t get a lascannon painted in time). It’s death on MEQ with a guided Executioner and can handle hordes in style with prescienced blobs using First Rank Fire, Second Rank Fire. It also has some disruption units which are always nice too. Overall I like. I’ll be posting pictures from this weekend including photos of this army so keep an eye out.

As for the Daemons we’ve all seen the rumors I assume. We’re certainly into the teeth gnashing, world is ending portion of the pre-codex cycle on major forums like Dakka and Warseer. That being said I’m a huge fan of what I’m seeing as it stands.

It looks like Heralds are going to be 4 to an HQ slot but only 4 can be taken in a single force org. This is great as it’ll allow us to use these unit buffing friends but also still enable us to take a big kid to be a center piece to our forces.

Hordes of troops are likely going to be the way to go. I expect that once enough time has gone by to see serious numbers of Daemonic Infantry being put on the table. If the rumored 9pts for all minor daemons except Bloodletters who are a whopping 10pts is true you’ll easily be able to grab 60 scoring bodies for less than 1/3 of an 1850 list. The make-up is going to be interesting in what people choose to bring. Personally I’m leaning towards Daemonettes and Plaguebearers at this point but it’s all very subject to how the more subtle rules in the codex affect the army.

I also expect that a lot of people are going to scream bloody murder about their flamers but since I still regularly find a use for a 105pt deepstriking 3 flamer squad for my DA’s I’m thinking that two wound jump infantry even with St4 AP4 flamers is still going to be solid.

Oddly even though I love beasts and calvary I’m leaning away from the elites section as it’s been presented so far. A lot of the units there feel too point heavy for me to invest in so I see that as the place I’ll go after my Heavy Support and Fast Attack are filled. How different from most 4th & 5th edition codexes J

Regarding the randomness of the Warpstorm table and Gifts I’m oddly ok with it so far as a tournament player. The majority of the Warpstorm table is extremely beneficial with a little risk but I think it’s going to generally be a wash. The gifts, since you have the ability to swap out for awesome weapons, are fine, especially since the weapons are extremely good for their points. I’m actually happy with the change. I think I’ll be screwed far less by the Warpstorm table and Gifts over 5-8 games than I was with Daemonic Assault over the same time frame (especially once GK’s got in the mix).

I like the initial feel based on these rumors. I’ve got a really good vibe for how this will shape up and am excited to really dive in after this weekend. I might even make myself crazy and paint up a new army for Adepticon if I get inspired enough.

I’ll follow-up next week after reviewing with the book in hand with my initial thoughts and probably a few lists and my reasoning on how they’re built. Till then!