With the release of 6th edition, the INAT FAQ that I have come to love, was put on the back burner.  The logic being that Games Workshop had been adequately developing new FAQs to answer all of the tricky questions which we have encountered during our games and in disputes.  I agree with them, Games Workshop has done a very good job answering questions recently.

However, there has still been a demand to answer some of the questions they had missed.  This is where the "Indy" Tournament FAQ has been developed.  It started on DakkaDakka but outside of that, I am not sure who is actually working on the rules and is making the decisions.  But at first glance, while a lot of the rulings are common sense, some of the rulings they have are a little biased in my opinion....  The FAQ is apparently now being utilized by the Bay Area Open and Adepticon according to this most current update.

The FAQ itself can be found here.

In short, they took the original discussion on Dakka Dakka, polished it up, and added it in its entirety to their FAQ with little to no revision.  The only problem with that is some of these rulings fundamentally over rule some of the rules physically in the rulebook.  The change to blast weapons is a primary example of this.  The changes to drop pods are another.  The changes to the arc of hull mounted weapons is a third.  If I knew the new codexes better, I would be able to comment on those as well.  Anyways, when stuff like this occurs, it is fundamentally altering the game instead of providing clarification, which is the purpose of an FAQ. 

Needless to say, I think that Adepticon needs to re-examine some of the rules published in this FAQ before including them whole sale.  We will see what happens in the next few weeks!