Hi guys, its a new month so lets have a little look back at the stats for last month.

Views in february: 27123.
Views in January:  77000

Followers for February: 46
Followers in January : 40

Technorati rank for february: 17467
Technorati rank for January: 81352

Posts on the blog in february: 158
Posts on Blog in January: 134

Blogs on the scifiwargamers network blogroll in February:40
Blogs on the scifiwargamers network blogroll in Janurary:33

So as you can see, although overall visitors are down over the month (ive not been updating much at all these last few weeks due to personal issues, this should speed up again this month.) everything else is looking better. content and content quality is up, bringing the quality of the readership up.

See you again next month!

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