Old School here with an update to the Iron Man Tau Commission in which my client plans to have a full Tau army painted up in the famous Stark Industries color scheme. That being said, this totals his armory to seven fully painted vehicles and really clears my plate as it frees me up to finish the last of the suits and move into the final stages of the project.

These tanks were painted using the same Red Primer + Three shades of red airbrushed on to create depth and highlights. From there the same Iyandan Daksun, Ultramarines Blue, Ice Blue ect as the rest of the army was used as well. The tanks also received a sponge treatment of leadbelcher for some weathering to help break up the similar paint, show some battle wear and of course because it looks cool.

What really doesn't look cool is this photo. I still am trying to take photos of red models despite my camera hating them. It's almost a joke now how bad it is at taking photos of red stuff.

All joking aside though, this is pretty exciting as I know my client was waiting to unleash some shrouded tanks upon his opponents (hopefully I will be one of them soon!). The next installment will likely include six stealth suits, three crisis suits and a metric butt-ton of drones (which are actually finished).