Well, day after the Daemons codex is out, I gotta play against them with my Space Wolves! We did 1750(usually do 2k but decided to go a little smaller due to time and he wanted to start slightly smaller). We rolled for all the startup shtuff, and here's how it turned out:

Mission type: Purge the Alien
Deployment type: weird diagonal deployment that I always forget the name of
No Night Fighting(YAY)
Warlord Trait(Daemons): His Warlord(Fateweaver) causes Instant Death in Melee
Warlord Trait(Space Puppies): Warlord and units within 12" roll an extra dice when running

1750 Space Pups
Rune Priest: Divination

Rune Priest: Divination
Wolf Priest: Runic Armor, Saga of the Hunter*Warlord*
5 Wolfguard: 3 Combi-Plasma, 2 Terminator armored, 1 with a cyclone missile launcher
15 Bloodclaws: 2 Flamers
10 Grey Hunters: 2 Flamers, Power Weapon
10 Grey Hunters
10 Grey Hunters: 2 Plasma Guns, Wolf Standard
10 Grey Hunters: 2 Plasma Guns, Wolf Standard
6 Long Fangs: 5 Missile Launchers
6 Long Fangs: 5 Missile Launchers

And the new Daemons consisted of...
Fatechicken(rolled a 3 on Biomancy and Pyromancy, a 4 on Telepathy, and took the Primaris Divination power)
Great Unclean One: Level 3 Psyker(Nurgle), Exalted rewards(rolled a 5 so goes back into reserve with 1 wound the first time after he dies)

20 Bloodletters: Bloodreaper(rerolls Invulns), Bloodbanner thingy that aids one charge per game
20 Pink Horrors: Iridescent Horror(+1Wound It Will Not Die), took the Primaris Power of Tzeentch
20 Plague Bearers: Poisen Banner(unit is Poisened2+[once per game?]), Plague Champ(got 3+ armor save)

15 Flesh Hounds

Daemon Prince: Nurgle, 3+ armor save, Wings, rolled same Exalted Reward as Great Unclean one

Whoa that was alot of rolling! having two MC's that come back to life once is pretty handy, even if it is only with one wound! Here is how the board looked(Long Fangs on the hill anybody?).

Daemons won first turn, took the side with the calculater on it, so deployed. Pink Horrors far left, Bloodletters to their right in between the two medium sized hills. the 3 MC's went on the grey hill roughly in the middle of Daemon deployment zone, while the Plaguebearers went on the far right. The dogs went in reserve.

I deployed my Wolf Priest with my Blood Claws across from his Pink Horrors(didn't Outflank this time). All the Grey Hunters go to the middle or right side in front of the large hill thingy. Vindicator goes behind 2 squads of Grey Hunters, Rune Priests go to squads on either side of the tall hill that's middle-rightfield. Long Fang squads went on the big hill towards the back on my deployment zone. I sent a Wolfguard with combiplasma to each Grey Hunter Squad that had spec weapons(there was one additional squad that was plain because I ran out of flamers!)Deployment then looks like this:(random Decimator on the hill is just for epicness)


I fail to seize :(
Fate does Endurance on Plaguebearer blob, passes. Daemon Prince zooms, and everyone else scoots forward!
Shooting he tries to have Fatechicken shoot the Primaris power of Tzeentch at the closest Grey Hunter squad, but rolls an 11. Warpstorm is a 5, so a couple Large Blasts go over my blokes. 3 squads are hit, but 2 blasts scatter wayyy off target, the last gets 7 hits, and kills one Grey Hunter. Pink Horrors shoot into the Bloodclaws, get 12 shots, 8 hits, and 7 wounds! 3 Bloodclaws keel over.

Space Wolves Turn 1
My turn I do Divination on a Plasma Grey Hunter(PGH) squad and 1 Long Fang(LF) squad. 2 GH squads shoot into the Daemon Prince and ground him. He suffers one wound, then the Divination PGH squad guns him down! Vindicator shoots at the Bloodletters and kills 4. Missiles go blast action on the Plaguebearers, I get 16 hits but only 5 wounds even though they are now t4!. After FnP from Endurance I kill none -_-. The other LF squad shoots at the Great Unclean One and fails miserably! T7 sucks.... Last GH squad fires into Plaguebearers and fails only killing one!

-K this turn was meh...I was able to kill the Prince asap so that was good, but wish I could've done more damage to the Nurgle on the right flank...that Great Unclean One could be a real pain...

Daemons Turn 2
The dogs and the Prince with one wound come in, both go far right in between the Plaguebearers and Grey Hunters. My Rune Priest shuns Fatechicken when he tries to do Divination, then the Great Unclean One gets his Nurgly blessing on himself. 
Warpstorm=7 so nothing happens
Fate does Primaris Tzeentch power at the forward GH squad with the Rune Priest, 8 shots, all of which hit, and 6 wound. 2 get zapped. Pink Horrors do same power on the Bloodclaws, killing 2 as well. Great Unclean One runs 5". 

He does something really strange...He charges Fateweaver into the PGH squad he shot at. I inflict one unsaved wound thanks to Overwatch. His bloodletters make a 10" charge onto my exposed Bloodclaws(Blood vs Blood lol). that's gonna hurt :(
Rune Priest does one wound to Fatey, then Fate whiffs attacks(only 2 on the charge). Passes Instability. Letters tear into the Bloodclaws and wipe them out, I manage to kill two from overwatch and 5 in combat. Wolf Priest kills the Bloodreaper in a challenge.

Space Wolves Turn 2

I do Divination onto one LF squad and one PGH squad again. Vindicator only kills one of the newly arrived dogs thanks to crazy good Invulns on Haydens part. Grey Hunters with Divination manage to kill 3 and put another wound on another one. Both Long fangs squads shoot at the Great Unclean one, and all 12 missiles hit! 8 wound, and I do 5 wounds to the nasty! The flamer squad shoots at the Great Unclean one which is now right on top of them. They whiff impressively...

In combat I down Fatechicken to one wound while he whiffs again. The flamer squad charges into the Great Unclean One and loses 2, then gets only 1 hit with grenades,  which wounds...and kills him! whoot! The Wolf Priest on the far left against the Bloodletters kills one then dies.
-K this turn I killed his toughest bug and did some damage to the dogs, as well as getting Fate down to one wound. Next turn I will be receiving alot of charges(Plaguebearers dogs the Daemon Prince and maybe the Bloodletters), so need to remember my Counter-Attack! Unless he multi-assaults, which I doubt he would do, this will leave me with one Grey Hunter squad unengaged to reinforce somewhere. Still not sure why he charged Fatey into the Grey Hunters as Fate will die next turn...

Score: Daemons-3       Space Wolves-2

Daemons Turn 3
The Great Unclean One comes back in, tho mishaps and dies. Bloodletters move up around the hill that the Decimator is standing on in the above pic on the bottom left. Horrors move up trying to get into range. Plaguebearers and dogs move up to the Grey Hunters on the right. Daemon Prince moves up to threaten the Long Fangs. Fateweaver does Endurance on himself and I fail to block it.

Warpstorm is an 8, and again I got nothing on him. He gets 2 Grey Hunter Squads and the Long Fang squad furthest from the Daemon Prince. He kills 3 from one Grey Hunter squad and 1 from the other, while on the Long Fangs he kills the Terminator and Pack Leader.
Pink Horrors kill 2 on the far left, that's it for Daemons shooting.

Assault his Bloodletters make the assault to the far left Grey Hunters and lose 1 from overwatch, the dogs and Plagues each make assaults to separate Grey Hunter squads, both squads epicly fail their overwatch :(
Daemon Prince however dies from Overwatch on the Long Fangs. His Bloodletters wipe the squad on the far left, I manage to do 8 wounds but he only fails 4 invulns. Against the Plaguebearers I use my Wolf Standard and do a total of 13 wounds, killing 9! he manages to kill 2 Grey Hunters with the remaining Plaguebearers, while his Champ dude dies from my Wolfguard(armed only with a combiplasma but rolled well!). He rolls morale with a -8 and rolls and rolls an 11, the squad's dead! 
Onto the next combat His dogs kill 4 of my guys(who are going at the same initiative as him), so my 8 guys strike back with Counter-Attack and the Wolf Standard and kill 5!(there were already two that had been wounded from shooting previously). He rolls morale and gets box cars so the squad poofs! Fatechicken also dies this turn!

At this point he concedes as we are low on time and he only has 4 Bloodletters and his Horrors left, while I have nearly 40 Grey Hunters, the Vindicator, and both Long Fangs squads. My third turn I would've shot the Long Fangs frag missiles into the Pink Horrors, the Vindicator into them as well. Grey Hunters would've mopped up those annoying Bloodletters, might have tabled him turn 3. Score breakdown is as follows:

Daemons-5(3 unit kills, Slay the Warlord, Line Breaker)
Space Wolves-7(5 unit kills, Slay the Warlord, First Blood)

Those new Daemons...

On his side he played his stuff wrong which really cost him. Flying the Prince up unsupported first turn was an easy kill for me and gave me two points, charging Fatechicken....not smart and gave me two points as well. His Bloodletters strategy was spot on, he hopped onto my squads and tackled them easy, while behind cover the whole time made them tricky to target. I think listwise he needs some kind of decent fire support, maybe the new Skullcannon?

He also could've done with dropping Fateweaver and doing double Herald on that Force Org slot, one Tzeentch to make the Horrors actually able to be mean shooty(kind of) while a Nurgle Herald for the Plaguebearers could offer some great augmentations to the unit. Taking more advantage of Nurgle Princes as Heavy Support would've also really helped him. More BLOODLETTERS! They were the only unit that got unit kills, scoring all of his points that game! His Flesh Hounds sounded and looked scary, but i found that he often was charging into units that were too big, if he sent 2 units into one of my squads rather than try to take them all down at once maybe he would've fared better.

As for all that randomness: it was great! really helped him, including the Warpstorm table, which killed 6 or so of my guys while never even hitting one Daemon. All in all it was fun tho I feel he needs to change his list to take advantage of some of the new units.