So yesterday I posted up a pure Daemon army and I promised that I’d get an allied army up today for today so here you guys go. It’s a starting place for me but I like it.



Herald of Slaanesh – 110
Greater Gift, Steed, Exalted Locus

Herald of Tzeentch – 115
Lvl. 3, Exalted Locus

Herald of Tzeentch – 125
Lvl. 3, Exalted Reward

Herald of Tzeentch – 125
Lvl. 3, Exalted Reward


18 Horrors – 162

10 Plague Bearers – 90

10 Plague Bearers – 90

Fast Attack

20 Steeds – 245

Heavy Support

Soul Grinder – 160
Torrent Flamer, Mark of Tzeentch

Soul Grinder – 160
Torrent Flamer, Mark of Tzeentch

Total: 1382

Allied Detachment: Chaos

Sorceror – 85
Lvl. 2, Force Axe


22 Cultists – 98

Fast Attack

Heldrake – 170
Bale Flamer

Heavy Support

5 Havocs – 115
4 Autocannons

Total: 468

So this army is obviously pretty different from the previous one. As you can see the Daemons aren’t as crazy assault aggressive in this list. It’s got some solid slow but steady advancing pressure with more disruption than full out aggression. The list also works more on combo’s than just one off units.

Breaking the list down you’ve got the assault mob of 20 steeds led by a Herald. Same concept as the previous list in that these guys are pure killers.         However you now have an advancing unit of Horrors that contains 3 Heralds. Those Heralds are all going to run the Tzeentch Primaris and 2 Divination powers. One of the Heralds will grab the Grimoire and another will pull down the portaglyph. A combination of Forwarning and the Grimoire means a 2++ for your steed unit or your horrors. The portaglyph means back field presence like normal. You can also throw prescience on the big guys to enhance their anti-flyer or just twin-linked they’re ranged autocannon shots.

The Soul Grinders throw flame templates and provide solid anti-air for lighter air craft.  They also provide a CC support for the large horror unit that will also be screened by the allied cultists and sorcerer. The havocs add some high strength ranged shots and well all know what the dragon is for.

And lastly the Horror unit itself. Yes, it’s a psychic based unit. And yes, against elder there is likely going to be trouble in the fact that dudes could just start popping their own heads. That said I think it’s still worth it. You’re looking at the minimum starting of 6D6 St6 Twin-linked BS4 shots and another 4D6 St6 Twin-linked BS3 shots. In a unit that will likely ignore cover you’re looking at a ridiculous contribution to the game. The added advantage is that you’d have to be denied 4 times to not do any damage to an opponent as the powers are manifested once by each Herald and once by the squad. Will it be the best thing ever? Nope, but I think it’s another solid addition to a toolbox army.

What I’m trying to build is an army that even with randomness I can pull the right tool for the job or shift gears. I think that’s actually one of the cool things about the randomness. They allow you to shift gears in a minor way.

Thoughts fella’s? We’re all in this together (kinda J). Also tomorrow or Monday will have Daemons & Guard. Which is primary and which is ally I haven’t decided yet J