What's better than Khorne Berzerkers? Khorne Terminators of course! And here be 10 of them ready for the tables.

First 5 would be the ranged versions.. why have ranged versions to begin with though.. like really.. but whatever.. I think they will cause mayhem as needed from the range and then go in with their chainfist to bust up vehicles and other squishy members of the opposition..

Then the real heavy hitters.. outfitted with a heavy flamer, combi flamer, and 3 sets of lightning claws!

Have to say thanks to the Space Wolf commission for the lightning claws, cause the Chaos Terminators boxset comes with a severe lack of them! So these Khornites stole them from the corpses of dead Space Wolves! They were the only pieces that allowed these guys to look like they have any movement. The rest were a bit too difficult to make that happen based on the pieces. Wonder if GW will ever fix this kit to give it more movement or not?!?!

And below are a couple of close ups of some of these Khornites!

"The wolverine of the bunch... "

"Blocking an attack from above before striking from below.. "

"Wait.. what is that over there.. rawr!"

"High five anyone? "

"Death from above.. who needs planes!"

"That is the direction your head will go.. "

"Where'd that guy go for the high five?"

"Straight to business here.. "

"Oooo what do I have here... "

"A Reaper Autocannon!?!?! WTF do I need this for?!?!?!"

So that is the units as they stand for now. Next up for this project will be some left over Catachans that found their way into this batch. Should be quick to do up. I am also finishing up the Nephilim fighters.. just doing up some magnets for the central gun, and seeing that will work out for me..

Enjoy the weekend!