Yup, another quick update on my progress for Adepticon.  This week I painted my Battle Standard Bearer for Clan Squark as well as a Warlock Engineer.  I'm happy with both models but I may revisit both for minor modifications after I catch up on my painting backlog post-Adepticon.  This leaves me with 40 slaves and 35 clanrats to paint.  I'm still hopeful I'll be able to finish all painting by the end of March and give me almost 3 weeks to base everything, create and paint up movement trays, and do a quick display board.  Time will tell.

Battle Standard Bearer Skritt of Clan Squark:

  • I love this model!
  • The blues worked out nicely, although the wash darkened things more than I wanted.
  • The banner worked out pretty good but will see the most touch-ups post-Adepticon.
  • While I originally intended to do lightning on the globe on the back, I think the swirls work better.
Warlock Engineer Skarlok of Clan Squark:

  • This model is actually really simple to paint.  Very little fur and mostly robes and armor make for an easy job.
  • While I realize the Doomrocket conversion is unnecessary given the close-list environment, I just had to do something to eek out a few conversion points.
  • Despite the conversion, I'll probably disassemble and retry, the rocket isn't on straight and I want a better launching mechanism.  At least I have something to blame my poor Doomrocket results on now!
I'm nearing the end of the line with my rats.  With any luck, by mid-week the clanrats will be mostly finished and the slaves won't take me long at all.  I think I've come up with a quick and easy process for painting rank-and-file hordes and hopefully after Adepticon I will have some time to detail that all out.  Nonetheless, this weekend I am taking a brief break from painting rats to actually play some Warhammer.  On the docket are games versus Vampire Counts, Ogres, and the new Warriors of Chaos book.  I'll report back with how my army performed!  I'm really glad to be playing against these armies as I've never played against Ogres, only played a single 1000 point game versus VC, and while I have extensive knowledge of the old Warriors of Chaos book (damn you, Josh) I haven't played a single game against the new book (or Daemons obviously).

If everything goes well with painting I'll do a battle report post and an overview of last year's Adepticon scenarios on Sunday/Monday.  Until then, paint some damn rats for me!  Please!