
Sometimes projects go to a schedule, but most times they don’t. I had planned to get this finished a few weeks ago, but then the screwing around changing the broadside cannon designs, etc. dragged things out a bit. Oh well after some sculpting last night it’s now 99% done! All that’s left is the details atop the lance prow.

As you can see, the following pictures show the lance prow variant progress. I used my Sherline lathe to turn up the lance barrel and then decorated it with styrene and putty. Whilst sculpting the eagle I was cursing myself for not simply taking a cast of the first prow and hacking it up, but I guess practice make perfect! That said, I still loathe sculpting and don’t feel that my skills at sculpting eagle prows are improving much. I still love working with the Procreate putty for this kind of thing – leaves Greenstuff for dead!




I’ve got a few Saturday morning errands to run, but I’m planning to finish things off and hopefully even get it into silicone this afternoon! So the next post should be pics of the resin casts…