A blog probably reflects the mind of the blogger who runs it, and I imagine many readers of the Expanse read it to know my thinking. But I post plenty of ideas at other people's blogs too, so I've decided I'll start grouping some up now and then.
Here's the first batch, a short list following the format subject, link, blog post and blog.
Here's the first batch, a short list following the format subject, link, blog post and blog.
- A suggestion that gamers could help to create better futures for the people who gave them such rewarding presents and pasts, here at Richard Halliwell: A tribute to Games Workshop's Forgotten Genius, Realms of Chaos 80s
- A discussion of whether GW could crowdsource rules updates, and how, here at 40K News: Death From The Skies White Dwarf Daily Update, BoLS
- An overview of a simple system for improvising random encounter detail, here at Towards More Interesting Random Encounters, Dreams in the Lich House
- ... followed by some musing with JD on the value of the variety in the OSR, here at Random Encounter Status (A Response), The Disoriented Ranger
- A discussion with bombasticus on sandbox memory, the GM's role and the need or not for a games industry, here at OSR Dogma Recency, Untimately
- Musings on the quality of a new GW multi-part plastic kit, chariots in 40K and adherence to the past, here at Paging Phil Kelly: Chaotic Errors?, BoLS
- Thoughts on the nature of sci-fi and current science, referencing this grading in particular, here at How Do You Like Your Sci-Fi, From the Sorcerer's Skull
- A case for Peter Weir directing one of the new Star Wars films and one vote for Marcia Lucas helping, here and here at Friday Question, Gothridge Manor
- Speculation on possible discord and poor sales at GW re the flyer book delay, here at Daemon Pics + Rules March 2013 White Dwarf Review, BoLS
- ... and more on a possible change in the style of GW's miniatures, as well as some great dwarves that could be Squats, here at Outside the Box, BoLS
I recommend reading the other comments too, and the post itself of course - as well as browsing the blog as a whole - in case you also feel it's worth following and commenting.
Update: A lot of that comes together into this comment at House of Paincakes and I've just summarised my thoughts on models for titans in the 41st millennium here at BoLS.