
I have been working a lot and i also took one day of last week to work on my own stuff just to get t he motivation back. It´s easy to lose it when you never get any thing done, so what i do is that i take a easy model that i can do in one day and i paint it up just to boost my self.

but now i have been working on the terminators, all the arms have magnets so you can swap them as you like. need to get some more sholder pads so that i can make more bubel of some weapons but will take that later for now i need to get them done.

there are two guys missing here and that is t he cyclone and the banner, im still trying to magentas them in a good way, but it is not easy to get them on there so i will se what i can do.

but if i keep up my speed now they will be done soon, and im going for a more darker grung look, the insperation is coming from ThirdEyeNuke but i will try and do them a bit more in my own way. I love the stille that he has and it works well in the 40k universe.

This is all for now there are a lot more things coming soon. A better and longer Bio about my self so that you will get to know me better. A review on the spray booth that i have,my skorne army a lot more models have paint now and also a tutorial on how i just my oil paint.

this and some more things to come soon. 

thx for taking the time to look at my blogg and feel free to drop me a comment.

regards muffin