Old School here with another glorious update to the Iron Man Themed Tau Commission. This time I am going to drone on a bit (glorious pun) about Drones and Crisis Suits ... and two little seeker missiles. Let's take a look.

Marker Drones are a lot cooler than I remembered them. I think all drones should have huge antennae like these!

And then there are the schools of Drones. Tons of Drones. sooooo many drones. Luckily, Wolfson slaved away on these with me while we enjoyed watching Jango, which was an awesome movie just in case you were wondering.

The last of the Crisis Suits in this commission are also up for look-see this week. These guys were a lot of fun to paint as I like the shapes they provide to exploit this color scheme to the max and I think once they are on the table with everything else in this army, everything will tie together and people will say "Is that an Iron Man army?" Hopefully they do anyway.

With that said, these were painted in the same patterns and under the same use of color as the other units I have reported on from this commission project. Just check out the Linkdwithin widgets at the bottom of this post for more Iron Man action and some paint recipes.

As a funny side note, I got criticized on this army by a guy who I believe is homeless. As nice as I was to him, he was pretty upset (yes, upset) by the fact that I was painting this army. I guess I can't please everyone, but I think the client is going to love having this army finished and with only a few models left, I will have cleared well over 2000 points and nearly a fully FOC chart in less than 90 days ... all while maintaining a great standard and managing to get some of my own projects done - so there!

In all seriousness, the next update or two will basically involve a couple of sniper teams, a stealth team (6 more dudes) and a bunch of fire warriors, so we are over the biggest humps in the project.

As always, comments and criticism are welcome.