by SandWyrm

This month's K-Town Throwdown is on the the 23rd. Just like the first throwdown last month, Uberdark's crew is offering extremely nice prize support for a 40K tournament of this size.

Gamer DMZ
1233 West Jackson St. Ste. A
Kokomo, IN 46901
Phone: (765) 868-8330

Saturday, March 23rd
: 9:00 AM
First Game: 10:00 AM
Round Time: 2 Hours, with a 1/2 hour break after the first round.
Max Players: 32
Cost: $15.00
There will be 3 rounds for all players, and a 4th round for the top 4 players.
Game Details:
6th Edition, 1750 Points (Bigger Than Last Time)

3 Colors are not required, and your painting will not affect your generalship score!
Aegis Defense Lines & Bastions are allowed. Forge World units are not.

Missions will be posted next week.

Specials & Prize Support
This is the 2nd event in Gamer DMZ's new monthly tournament schedule. Each of their tournaments will have the same (very nice) level of prize support for the winner.

First Place: $90.00
Second Place: $30.00
Third Place: $15.00
Best Painted Army: $20.00
Best Single Miniature: $10.00

Uberdark says that if they get more than 24 players, that they'll increase the prize support.
To sign up, just send an email to, or send them a message through their Facebook page at:

If you have any questions, leave them in the comments and Uberdark will answer them for you.