Well, its my 200th post, can't quite believe it myself.

It's been not quite a year since I had my 100th post, and I've reached 200 so quickly thanks to resurrecting a lot of posts I lost from the past, and migrating posts over from an old blog I decided to retire.  

The total page views for my blog has smashed through 46,000, with Where's Wally getting picked up by Faeit 212 finally toppling the spike I got from attending the first Blog Wars tournament.  That page alone has almost 3000 views!

Items of note in terms of progress for me and my hobby since my 100th post include visiting Salute (1, 2, 3), the birth of One Force and that armies development, taking part in the TFP: Badab Competition and almost winning, finally managing to return for Blog Wars 4 and the subsequent fateful visit to WHW. 

For the next 100 posts, well I'm definitely looking forward to the seeming imminent release of Tau (I may even resurrect my Iron Man themed Tau (and the inspiration for the name of this blog) that were the first things I painted on my return to the hobby, who knows.