More entries for the character detail project, for individuals in a grimdarkling world like 40K's, set in motion last week by Lasgunpacker's random warband creator for Inquisitor.

Since my first batch, Lasgunpacker has posted 100 each for bionics, weapons and clothing. With zhu bajiee's 60 minor mutations that gets us to about 450 non-duplicates.

We're running parallel tables, aiming for 1,000 each to start and avoiding any overlap as far as possible, with the idea of combining them later. If anyone wants to join in, they're very welcome. Lasgunpacker's plan is here and I'm provisionally thinking the following:

  • 200 for the head, including the face and neck
  • 200 for the arms, including the shoulders and hands
  • 200 for the thorax, i.e. the chest and upper back
  • 200 for the abdomen, i.e. the belly and lower back
  • 200 for the legs, including the feet

So here's the second 100 for the head, combined with the first 100 to make a list of 200.

If you don't have a d20 and/or d10, just roll 1d6: on a 1-3, roll for 1-100 as described in the fifth paragraph here; on a 4-6 roll for 101-200 the same way, adding 100 to the result.

Beware: there's some weirdness, a fairy tale-bad dream darkness and light body horror.
Personal features, minor mutations, gifts, devices, body mods and stylings (head, 1d200)

  1. Scarf, wrap or skull cap
  2. Snood or hairnet
  3. Cobwebs in hair
  4. Topknot, bun, mohican or crest 
  5. Beehive - roll 1d6: on a 4+ actual beehive 
  6. 1d6 ponytail(s), pigtails and/or plait(s) - roll 1d6 once for all: on a 6, 1d6 in-woven censers
  7. Dreadlocks
  8. Cranial fibre bundle(s)
  9. Articulated cranial arm(s) or tentacle(s), either 1d6 or with 1d6 minor tool endings
  10. Skull-set brazier, requiring fuel - roll 1d6: lit 1. automatically, 2-3. at will, 4-5. by switch or 6. traditionally
  11. Lectern rig with mechanoreader - roll 1d6: activated 1-2. at will, 3-4. by switch or 5-6. traditionally
  12. Auxiliary purifier - retractable showerhead with drop-down curtain
  13. Toupée or wig, possibly powdered
  14. Pronounced, possibly unruly cowlick
  15. 1d100% bald pate
  16. Completely hairless head - roll 1d6: on a 4+, whole body too
  17. Chrome dome
  18. Crystal skull - roll 1d6: 1-4. below skin; 5-6. exposed
  19. Shrunken head - 1/1d3+1 of average volume
  20. Oversized head - 1d3+1 times average volume
  21. Cone head - standard headwear may not fit
  22. Crescent moon head - standard headwear will definitely not fit
  23. Perfectly flat crown
  24. Large concave impression
  25. Cloven or pierced skull - roll 1d6: on a 4+ implement still present
  26. Head inside out
  27. Sheet head - brain may be located elsewhere; roll 1d6: on a 6 monomolecular
  28. Cooling vane(s)
  29. Coronal wiring
  30. Medusan hair, 1d6+1 serpents - roll 1d6: on a 6 venomous
  31. Follicaliage - roll 1d6: 1. lichenous; 2. mossy; 3. herbaceous; 4. deciduous; 5. evergreen; 6. succulent
  32. Cranial spines or quills
  33. Anglerfish lure
  34. 1d6 subtle horns
  35. 1d2 eyestalks
  36. Third eye
  37. 1d3 additional sensory organs, membranes, glands or bladders, internal or external - roll 1d6 for each: in function 1. gravi-; 2. baro-; 3. anemo-; 4. thermo-; 5. magneto-; 6. electrometric
  38. 1d2 headlamps - roll 1d6: lit 1-2. automatically, 3-4. at will or 5-6. by switch
  39. Facial chronometer or other gauge
  40. Wraparound billboard, vidscreen or similar - roll 1d6: on a 4+ with speakers, on a 6 non-aural
  41. Veil
  42. Fishbowl casing - roll 1d6: on a 6 occupied by 1d6 small lifeforms
  43. Triptych framing - roll 1d6: on a 4+ operated by facial muscles
  44. Crenellated forehead
  45. 1d6 modular mounting points
  46. Post-surgical scaffolding
  47. Brain hatch - roll 1d6: on a 6, held shut with wax, tape or cord
  48. Missing cerebral hemisphere(s) - roll 1d6: 1-2. left; 3-4. right; 5-6. both
  49. 1d3 jack ports
  50. 1d3 service studs
  51. Serial number
  52. Barcode
  53. Balaclava
  54. Bulging temples
  55. Intracranial portal, possibly webway slit, warp tendril, braner extension, Weak Point or similar
  56. Daemonic taint from failed possession bid
  57. Subvocal servoconscience - ongoing moral guidance, apparently from region of own shoulder
  58. 1d3 skull plates - roll 1d6: 1-2. medical; 3-4. decorative; 5-6. both
  59. 1d3 skull etchings - roll 1d6: 1-4. below skin; 5-6. exposed
  60. Visible seams - roll 1d6: 1-2. stitched; 3-4. welded; 5-6. riveted
  61. Unibrow
  62. Bushy eyebrows
  63. 1d2 eyebrows missing 1d100%
  64. Eyeglasses - roll 1d6: on a 6, pince-nez
  65. 1d2 monocles
  66. Highly elongated eyelashes on 1d2 eyelids
  67. 1d2 missing eyelids
  68. 1d2 sunken eyes
  69. 1d2 bulging eyes
  70. 1d2 telescopic eyes
  71. 1d2 wandering eyes
  72. 1d2 permanently bloodshot eyes
  73. 1d2 rheumy eyes
  74. Lacrimal induction - eyes weep continuously
  75. Heterochromia iridium - 1d3 eye colours spread across 1d2 eyes
  76. Unusual eye colour or construction - roll 1d6: on a 6, shifted visible spectrum
  77. 1d2 encoded irises
  78. 1d2 mirrored eyes
  79. 1d2 compound eyes
  80. 1d2 missing eyes - roll 1d6 for each: on a 2+ replaced, on a 2-3 with glass, on a 6 with a bionic
  81. 1d3 facial scars
  82. 1d3 facial tattoos - roll 1d6: on a 4+, whole face
  83. 1d3 forms of facial piercing
  84. 1d6 piercings in each of 1d2 ears
  85. 1d2 pointed ears
  86. 1d2 cauliflower ears
  87. 1d2 elephantine ears - roll 1d6: on a 6, gliding possible
  88. 1d2 ear steam nozzles
  89. Sculpted earwax extruded from 1d2 ears
  90. Very hairy ears - roll 1d6: on a 6, 1d3 plaits each
  91. 1d2 mobile ears
  92. 1d2 missing ears - roll 1d6 for each: on a 2+ replaced, on 2-3 with cloth, on a 6 with a bionic
  93. 1d3 tame ear, nose and/or throat worms
  94. Fungal growth, possibly Orkoid - roll 1d6: 1-3. in 1d2 ears; 4-5. behind 1d2 ears; 6. in skin fold
  95. Gills - roll 1d6: 1-3. no function; 4-5. weak function; 6. owner effectively aquatic
  96. Sideburns
  97. Small attached person or other being - roll 1d6: 1-3. deceased / inactive; 4-5. alive; 6. dominant
  98. 1d3+1 faces - roll 1d6: 1-2. all share features; 3-4. half share (rounding up); 5. one differs; 6. all differ
  99. Tome face - 1d100 facial expressions, each on a single double-page spread
  100. Bumface
  101. Fractal face - the same expression all the way down
  102. Modular features - roll 1d6: 1-2. adhesive; 3-4. clip-on; 5. magnetic; 6. lifeforms gripping
  103. Putty-like features
  104. Highly elongated features - roll 1d6: 1-3. vertically; 4-6. horizontally
  105. Highly asymmetrical features
  106. Face 1d100% covered with hair
  107. Upholstery - roll 1d6: on a 4+ whole body
  108. Chameleonic skin - roll 1d6: on a 4+ whole body
  109. Partially shed skin - roll 1d6: on a 4+ whole body
  110. Translucent skin - roll 1d6: on a 6, translucent skull too
  111. Xenoflesh graft, covering 1d100% of head
  112. Marbling - roll 1d6: on a 4+ whole body
  113. Viscous dermal secretion - roll 1d6: on a 1 nourishing, on a 6 toxic
  114. Greasepainted face
  115. Face smeared with unguents or similar
  116. Scorched or melted skin
  117. Confectiodermis, 1d100% - roll 1d6: 1-2. preserved; 3-4. stale; 5-6. rancid; and again: on a 4+, whole body
  118. Porcelain visage - roll 1d6: 1-3. solid; 4-5. segmented; 6. animated; and again: on a 4+, cracked
  119. 1d2 highly pronounced cheekbones
  120. 1d2 crushed cheekbones
  121. 1d2 cheek sphincter cigar grips
  122. 1d2 pendulous jowls
  123. 1d6 prominent moles
  124. 1d3 large boils
  125. Faint suggestion of unusual facial structure - roll 1d6: 1-2. snout; 3-4. beak; 5-6. trunk
  126. Feedbag
  127. Refreshment, snuff or other tube
  128. 1d2 nasal filters
  129. Nasal playback
  130. Very hairy nostrils - roll 1d6: on a 6, 1d3 plaits each
  131. Revelatory olfactor - nose extends/retracts according to truth of own statements
  132. Broken nose
  133. Missing nose - roll 1d6: on a 2+ replaced, on 2-3 attached to spectacles, on a 6 with a bionic
  134. Pencil, toothbrush, handlebar or Dalí moustache
  135. Walrus, horseshoe or Fu Manchu moustache
  136. Incense stick whiskers
  137. Mucal and/or salival crusting
  138. Oral and/or nasal smoke generator
  139. 1d2 subtle tusks
  140. Beauty mark
  141. In-sewn respirator hose or rebreather
  142. Voxbox
  143. Foghorn mouth
  144. Oral teleprinter
  145. Flip-top head
  146. 1d2 insectoid mandibles or other mouthpart
  147. Major over- / underbite - roll 1d6: on a 4+ both
  148. Glass jaw
  149. Slack jaw
  150. Mechanical jaw
  151. Jaw-mounted cup holder
  152. Secondary maw
  153. Lipswitch - can wake and sleep only when kissed
  154. Fixed smile
  155. Glasgow smile
  156. Trout pout
  157. Sealed mouth - roll 1d6: 1. glue; 2. stitches; 3. zip; 4. lock; 5. spell; 6. oath
  158. Stained lips, gums and/or teeth
  159. Leech-like sucker 
  160. Protrusible proboscis
  161. Prehensile tongue
  162. Whip tongue
  163. Forked tongue
  164. No tongue
  165. Oral water cannon - roll 1d6: tank is 1-3. internal, 4-6. external
  166. Projectile regurgitation
  167. Heightened gag reflex
  168. Foul breath - roll 1d6: on a 6, mildly toxic
  169. Constant eructation
  170. Continuous tooth growth
  171. Fangs - roll 1d6: on a 6, with venom sacs
  172. Filed teeth
  173. Wooden teeth, or a set of a comparable material
  174. 1d6 missing front teeth - roll 1d6: on a 2+ up to 1d6 replaced, on a 6 with 1d3 special
  175. Vindaloovian-like eye
  176. Capped, spiked or sharpened chin
  177. Van Dyke, goatee or forked beard
  178. Chinstrap or full bushy beard
  179. Exceptionally long beard - roll 1d6: 1-3. to waist; 4-5. to knees; 6. to feet or beyond
  180. Plaited beard - 1d6 plaits; roll 1d6 once for all: on a 6, 1d6 in-woven censers
  181. 1d6+1 chins or dewlaps
  182. Vocal sac
  183. Exhaust port
  184. 1d6 neckbolts
  185. Neuroparasitical protrusion
  186. Neck frill
  187. Cobra-like hood
  188. Head in stocks - roll 1d6: on a 4+ 1d2 hands also
  189. Neck brace
  190. Mined collar - roll 1d6: 1-2. proven dud; 3-4. defused; 5-6. remotely detonated
  191. Scarf
  192. Bow tie, cravat, necktie, neckerchief or bolo tie
  193. Neck in noose
  194. Telescopic neck
  195. Head rotation of (1d6 x 30) + 90° in each direction
  196. Lolling head
  197. Polycephaly - 1d2 extra heads
  198. Interchangeable head mounting
  199. Head separated from body
  200. No body - head independently mobile

For entries that need a power source, you could roll 1d6: on a 1 it's mains powered, on a 2 it needs a battery, on a 3 it's clockwork, on a 4 bio- or pizoelectric, on a 5 fission or fusion based and on a 6 it has a more esoteric source, maybe a kind of aetheric energy.

That brings us to around 550 entries in total, well on the way to the initial 2,000. Again, if you want in, just go for it - Lasgunpacker suggested a symbolic 40,000, and why not..?