Hello dear readers.

Here's hoping that this post finds you well, your lead pile tottering and your paint pots never dry. Today I have a few things to discuss with you all, and a few things to share, too.

Turning the tables

To start with I'd like share with you some images that Marcus Ansell has sent me. As you may or may not know, he is working behind the scenes at The Wargames Foundry to get as many tables together as possible for us to game over. Its early days, but these are three example tables of what you might expect to play on this summer.

That river could help construct a good narrative or two, couldn't it?

No room to hide!

Massive and legless- a bit like Orlygg.
The last image shows a broken table on its side. This beast is the one earmarked as a possible table for the Realm of Chaos games, though it needs its legs mending. Marcus feels that the tables are a little battered, but I think they look fantastic! They are certainly much better than anything I have gamed on before. Rob Townsend, a talented chap who used to do the tables for Wargames Illustrated, is going to work with the Foundry in the future to get more tables like this... Can imagine the serried ranks of classic lead clashing across these table tops? I can hear the dice chattering already. 

Bryan Ansell has also been in contact, explaining a little about those icons of his era that he is still in contact with. One name that cropped up a lot was John Blanche. Here's a picture of some of John's more recent models that he shared with the Ansells. Enjoy.

John Blanche conversions.

An Oldhammer Archive?

James Hall, an extinquished member of the Oldhammer Community on Facebook, has emailed me with a suggestion that I thought about preserving some of my content as a pdf elsewhere. Too be honest, it wasn't something that I was considering until now. His comments got me thinking about an idea that was kicking around during the early days of the Oldhammer Movement. Namely, developing a fanzine of sorts. Real Longbearded Oldhammer Grognards will no doubt recall the days that White Dwarf magazine ran special best of issues. I was wondering if the idea of doing a 'best of Oldhammer 2012-2013' might be a possibility? A pdf or some such that collects together the best articles from all the blogs on the scene? 

What do others think?
