Throne of Skulls again next week and another 1500pt conundrum. After the last time where I somehow managed to win 4 out of 5 matches I'd pretty much settled on a potential list after the event, trimming some of the units I didn't think had worked and adding in others that could deliver, this was it [with 19pts left to play with:
  Tyranid Prime with Lashwhip and Bonesword, Deathspitter, Synapse Creature,
  Tervigon with Catalyst, Dominion, Synapse Creature, Stinger Salvo, Crushing Claws
  3x Hive Guard(s)
  The Doom of Malan’tai with Mycetic Spore with Hardened Carapace, Lash Whip, Ripper Tentacles 
  Tervigon with Catalyst, Dominion, Synapse Creature, Stinger Salvo, Crushing Claws
  10x Termagaunts with Devourer
  3x Tyranid Warriors with Barbed Strangler, Deathspitter, Scything Talons,
  Broodlord with Adrenal Glands, Scything Talons ,
  4x Genestealers with Adrenal Glands
  Broodlord with Toxin Sacs, Scything Talons ,
  4x Genestealers with Toxin Sacs
Heavy Support
  Aegis Defence Line

Anyway, I've got me a Winged Hive tyrant recently, just finished painting it and can't decide whether to run a list with it in. It's a 6th of my points and although difficult to hit, if it is hit it could get spanked. So the list would be more like this:
  Hive Tyrant, Wings, 2X Twin Linked Devourers
  Tervigon with Catalyst, Dominion, Synapse Creature, Stinger Salvo, Crushing Claws
  3x Hive Guard(s)
  The Doom of Malan’tai with Mycetic Spore with Hardened Carapace, Lash Whip, Ripper tentacles
  Tervigon with Catalyst, Dominion, Synapse Creature, Stinger Salvo, Crushing Claws
  10x Termagaunts with Devourer
  3x Tyranid Warriors with Barbed Strangler, Deathspitter, Scything Talons,
  Broodlord with Adrenal Glands, Scything Talons ,
  4x Genestealers with Adrenal Glands
Heavy Support
  Aegis Defence Line
Now this leaves me with around 97pts and a number of options.

  1. Drop the scything talons on the Troop Tervigon and I could add another unit of 10 Devgaunts and make the HQ Tervigon a troop, which would be useful, but also mean my Warlord is the slightly fragile Tyrant.
  2. Drop the scything talons on the Troop Tervigon and I could go for 10 plain Termagants, make the HQ Tervigon a troop and add another Hive Guard [2 broods of 2]
  3. Add another Hive Guard and 1 Biovore [Big Guns makes it a scoring unit and they're really annoying, however it does make an easy kill point [although there was only 1 KP mission last time]
  4. Find some way to shave off 8pts and add 3 Warriors with Deathspitters - extra synapse and more durable than the Devgaunts but can still be instakilled and are less effective without the Prime.
So which would you do? Stick with the first list or option 1,2,3 or 4 from the second list. Incidentally I tried option 2 the other night [no battle report] and it wasn't bad. The Hive Guard were effective in pairs and the 10 Termagants, although not game changing were useful to have around. The Hive Tyrant survived the game but did regenerate two wounds through Endurance...