On to the clear coat table and flocking.
All of the trays on this desk are basically done.  As you can see some are for the Vikings some are for the Romans.
Apologize for the photos, these are taken by my work camera and I've touched them up and edited them a bit, I'll figure out what it likes for settings, as I look for a new camera.  I used a bunch of transfers on the barbarian shields, the Saxon and Viking shields I all hand painted. 

I think these have turned out really well, using some Perry, Warlord Games, Old Glory, and other casaulties that I created with a variety of parts and pieces and things that I casted.
They definitely help create that feel that I want for the Legions and Shieldwalls.  I look forward to doing more like this in the future as I have even more ideas on how to tell a story with rank and file.  When I get to the Fireforge stuff more of this will happen, as I have some thoughts about doing similar things within the ranks.

So up later today these and the others and all of the Vikings will get shot with clear coat and then the really tedious work of flocking will begin.  I also have some transfers to put on the shields for the last Roman unit I made and to finish up building one more Viking movement tray.  Somehow I miscounted.