As you know, we're hip-deep in Warhammer 40,000 season here at the Wargate, and today we also announce that there will be a separate narrative mini-campaign next season running tandem with Warmachine!  More information on that coming soon, so stay tuned if you want more practice with your armies this year.  For now, we'll take a look at some pieces we like to call Obstacles and Objectives!  Yeah, they are in the Warhammer 40,000 box, but a lot of them work for lots of other games as well.

Don't stand so close to me...or near the toxic explosive chemicals.

These barrels have been around for about ... 15 years or so.  Recently rebased, they've seen more action on the field as Battlefield Debris (that explodes!) and the smaller pieces can also make great objectives.  Easy to make, and a little bit of Burnt Grass to simulate oil spills on the ground.

Praise the Emperor and pass the ammo!

These are some miscellaneous pieces we've collected over a long period of time.  The battlefield accessories were painted by myself and a colleague...oh...12 or 13 years ago, but I dug them out of a scrap box and put them on bases.  The grey asphalt style base is made simply by spraying a base with Rustoleum Beaten Iron.  Looks good, we used it on the road pieces as well.  The Black Reach force fields were painted know, I have no idea.  Look good though.  For the shrines, those are made from bits from the bastions we have, and Captain Video did a great job painting them up.

Tank Traps make it hard to drive around most battlefields, but at least they offer some cover.

These old tank traps are something of an oddity.  Based on some really strong type of cardboard (that got hit with Rustoleum Beaten Iron as well) these are just as old as the barrels and came out at the same time.  They still offer that set on Games Workshop's website...the Battlefield Accessories set in the Warhammer 40,000 Scenery section.  These were drybrushed by novice hands long ago... I just gave them a new base and a new lease on life recently.  They haven't disappointed.

Some obstacles should really be avoided if at all possible.  Especially by those with soft, exposed skin.

Razor wire!  These pieces were based just like the tank traps, but I drove a nail through each end and connected a piece of Games Workshop's Razor Wire.  One of them got a little bent, and the hard cardboard that they are based on is sorta warped now.  Lesson:  don't use hard cardboard for items with tension.  Even the little bit of force exerted by the Razor Wire pulling together was enough to warp this piece.  Next time, I'll stick to the ol' masonite sheet.

That's it for today.  Thanks to everyone for a great game day yesterday.  Next weekend, Imperial Assault will be ending the final few phases of the war for Caelum Subterraneous.  Also, The Temple of Elemental Evil continues to be the most wanton deathtrap of all time, consuming souls at a frightening rate to produce a staggering death toll so far.  Be warned, and stay tuned for more gaming goodness later this week!