It has been an emotional few weeks.   But I wanted to tell everyone that my White Scars army has officially been sold off to an extremely happy bidder.

For those who didn't know, I have been in the market to sell off my White Scars army as I have an arguably better painted, more unique, and better converted Legion of the Damned army.   The proceeds of this sale have been used to help pay back some of the money I used to acquire the new army along with adding some new additions to the list for 6th edition flexibility.  (Storm Talons and drop pods anyone?)

This army has made several appearances at major tournaments around the country.  Da Boyz GT 2010, Da Boyz GT 2011, Adepticon 2011, Adepticon 2012, and NOVA Open 2011.  The army finished off strongly with a winning record at these events, even placing in the top 5 battle points wise in two events! 

Da Boyz 2010

Adepticon 2011

NOVA 2011
The army was sold to one of the frequent visitors and contributors to the blog, Joe Finlayson.  Joe was ecstatic when he saw received the army and promises to give them a new home, along with a slightly modified paint scheme.  He promised me that when he is done painting them, he would take a whole slew of pictures and post them on the blog!   Take care of them buddy! 

So with that, I am saying good bye to one of my favorite armies.  I had an awesome time building, converting, and painting that army.  I am sad to see it go, but it is going to a new owner who is going to breath some life into them.  I have fully embraced my legion of the damned force, been expanding on them slowly, and so far they haven't disappointed me in battle! 

Joe, I wish you all of the luck in the word with this army.  May it lead you to victory! 

In closing, I do have some models left over that Joe was not interested in buying.  If you are interested in them, shoot me a e-mail and we can discuss it.