I've successfully assembled almost 35 Zombies/Cultists, and that got me thinking. I have wanted to try some CSM lists with Huron Blackheart, but I want to bring my Nurgle contingent along. I have come up with a list that includes a sprinkling of my Death Guard (ok its a Sorcerer and 30 Cultists) to go along with Huron and my Red Corsairs. The idea is 2 blobs, one fearless from Blackheart, the other caddying the nurgle Sorcerer (note, I might shave 15 points and give him a spell familiar), 4 Rhinos full of Marines, 2 squads of Havocs, and then some Heldrakes.

Type Unit Cost
HQ Huron Blackheart 160
HQ Sorcerer 60
Nurgle 15
Force Axe 0
Mastery Level 3 50
Sigil of Corruption 25
Palanquin of Nurgle 40
Troops Cultists
30 Cultists 130
3 Heavy Stubbers 15
Troops Cultists
30 Cultists 130
3 Flamers 15
Troops Chaos Space Marines 140
10 Marines
Power Axe 15
Gift of Mutation 10
2 Melta Guns 20
Rhino 35
Troops Chaos Space Marines
10 Marines 140
Lightning Claw 15
Plasma Pistol 15
Gift of Mutation 10
2 Plasma Guns 30
Rhino 35
Troops Chaos Space Marines
5 Marines 75
Power Sword 15
Gift of Mutation 10
Plasma Gun 15
Rhino 35
Havoc Launcher 12
Troops Chaos Space Marines
5 Marines 75
Power Maul 15
Gift of Mutation 10
Plasma Gun 15
Rhino 35
Havoc Launcher 12
Fast Attack Heldrake 170
Fast Attack Heldrake 170
Heavy Support Havocs
5 Havocs 75
4 Autocannons 40
Heavy Support Havocs
5 Havocs 75
4 Autocannons 40

This is admittedly more take two, move on than I like, particularly in lacking a big threat. I can infiltrate the Rhino with the 10 man melta squad, allowing me to be reactive and aggressive against heavy unit deployment. If I get 1-2 more infiltrates, i can get my other rhinos even closer to my opponent, fulfilling their purpose faster and placing them better.

Two squads of Havocs sit in back along with the Sorcerer and his blob in cover, Lord and his blob deploy more aggressively, depending on the mission.

2 min size CSM squads, not likely to kill all that much, but can tie up a unit in combat (I take ccw/bp on the normal guys). I want the champs to take gift and a pw of some kind because I like that aspect of the book and I want to fight as many challenges as possible. In the list I have 4 different types (lightning claw, sword, axe, and maul) but that's mostly because I'm still feeling out what I like on these squads at these sizes. 5 man squad with an axe is nice because it can threaten rear armor at S5 with the AP2 bonus, plus can kill anything if it gets its attacks off. Hopefully gift is a good roll. On the other hand, power mauls at S6 wound infantry on a 2+ and slaughter (double out) GEQ models which generally are 4+ armoured. So, more glances and pens, hits at initiative, much worse wound count against 3+.  The sword is not good at anything but killing Marines in close combat, assuming they dont go first or have multiple wounds.

Huron in the big blob is a fun unit. 4 flamer templates in one unit with fearless and oh yeah, he's a psyker. Sort of. I can't wait to put that unit on the table. I could stick Blackheart in a marine squad too if im worried about losing him. Could do the same with the Sorcerer.

So, not that much fun in the list (now I'm going to punch up a purely fun list) but a lot of consistent if unnecessarily invested in models. Basically my way of playing 40k. I should hold objectives very well, the rest I will have to see.