Hey everyone just a quick update today.

I came across some high quality shots of some of the legion of the damned models, which I had painted up by Ninja Garden Studios.  Therefore, why not post them up on the blog?  It will give you guys a better idea of how the entirety of my army looks.

Painting aside, over the past few weeks, I have been working on new additions to my Legion of the Damned army.  This next segment includes 16x devastators and 10x tactical marines.  I also plan on working some Black Knights, Librarian (Rune Priest) on a bike, Drop Pods, a Storm Raven, and even more bikes to fill out a potential Dark Angels list.

Currently, I am having my some Eldar allies painted up to coordinate with my Legion of the Damned.  I look forward to sharing them with all of you!

More pictures can be seen below...

Rune Priest (2nd angle)
Sanguinary Priest counts as (or sergeant)
Bike Command Squad
Bike Captain (or Sammael)