After two successful years, Wartorn UK is back to help entertain us gamer-geeks over two days in summer. The event will take place on June 29th and June 30th, at the Scarborough Spa.

For those who don't know, Wartorn UK is a relatively recent wargaming event, held in my home town of Scarborough, and sponsored by UK retailer Boyes. Started in 2011, Wartorn has since provided an opportunity for people to game in competitions, sell and buy models, and enjoy epic displays.

But what makes it different? Wartorn UK, every year, raises money for the UK charity Help for Heroes, which helps British soldiers who have been wounded in battle live their life post-conflict. Last year, they raised over £430 for the charity, and is aiming even higher this year.

The show is also becoming known for making an effort when it comes to displays. 2011, the first show, saw them attempt a world record by gathering over 10,000 Napoleonic figures on one battlefield. Last year saw a recreation of The Battle of Marston Moor, a famous battle in Yorkshire history. So, for 2013, they're aiming for the far future, and are planning to set up a huge 40k battle, depicting one of the major wars of Armageddon. I've been told to expect many wrecks and super-heavy vehicles.

If you fancy finding yourself a bargain, the trade stalls are second to none. Trust me, you will always find a bargain or a lucky find. I've seen rogue trader Chaos models, complete 1st edition Space Hulk boxes, Gamesday models at rock-bottom prices, the lot. There are also a number of bitz sellers, ideal for converters and kit-bashers. If 40k isn't your thing, do not worry. Many stalls specialise in historical games, other sci-fi games such as DUST and Infinity, terrain, accessories and more.

23 traders have been confirmed so far, with one big name joining the ranks: Foundry Miniatures. A veteran company of the gamer scene, expect them to make themselves known.

Alongside the key traders, a bring-and-buy will take place. Need to sell some models? Want to buy more with the profits? Here's a great chance to make some money, or get some cool models.

 As with previous years, a number of tournaments are being held, from 40k to Magic The Gathering, to Flames of War. Entrance fees have dropped due to Wartorn's success, and vary between £10 and £12, which includes the entry fee in the price. Competition tickets have to be bought on-line, but payments are made through PayPal, so it is 100% safe to do so.

If you don't want to enter a competition, and just want to enjoy the show or pick out a bargain, tickets cost just £4 a day, or £6 for a weekender ticket, both are available at the door. I will be there, hopefully on both days, so it's a good chance to chat with me about 40k, the blog, or whatever takes your fancy. You may even make it into a feature.

For more information, should you wish to attend or even sell there, you can contact the team at: whilst businesses should contact at:

(2nd image property of Help for Heroes)