And now I can start showing them all together!

I am very happy! On Wednesday the first part of my base order from Dragon Forge Design arrrived. I was so excited, in fact, that all my other paint jobs were pushed to the side so I could get a chunk of the bases painted up and finally see my recent Mechanicum stuff added to them : )  In all I'll be getting over 100 bases from this very cool range - the Tech Deck series, found here!

As you can see on the two samples above, I've gone for a fairly dark scheme, in keeping with the brooding feeling of the rest of the models. Lots of steel (in various stages of decay), some exposed brass trim (with verde gris), some green cabling, and the ubiquitous hazard striping.

On some bases I've painted some of the cabling with hazard striping too, just for that extra pop of detailing. The rusty/dusty look on the bases is from a final dusting of Rust Red and Rust Orange weathering powders from Secret Weapon Miniatures.

Here's my current WIP for the Mechanicum, and the base he'll end up on.

And finally, I'll leave you with a clearer shot of the rebased (or freshly based) models so far.

I hope you like them : )
