Welcome back one and all.  Today I'll be covering the Brain Horror finished models, the future plans for the other Daemon units, and even talk about a game I played this weekend (wait, this is a game, too?).

The Horror Brains are a blast to put together.  Easy to paint and different than everything out there right now, which is what I really wanted with this.

I may still include a highlight to the edges of the shields, but for now I like how they look.  I also like the base being so much heavier than the model, almost negating any chance of 'tipping model' syndrome, which can be incredibly frustrating when it occurs.

Right now I have 21 of these finished and based, one of which painted a blue/white to represent the Herald of Tzeentch.  He stands out enough to prevent confusion and others can pick him out in the crowd of models.

This leads me to what I plan to do for the rest of the army.  Right now I'm loving the Brains, but the army can't just be Brains, right?  We're going to need models to represent Lords of Change, not to mention the other 3 Chaos God models in the book.

It hit me one night that a perfect Lord of Change model to fit in with the army would be a UFO, modeled in the old style of UFO's of the 40's and 50's.  But what of the other gods?  Why, Khorne would be awesome as 50's style robots!  How cool would it be to have a Science Fiction Picture Show feel to the entire army?  Nurgle will be killer plants of course.  The only one I'm stuck on is Slaanesh, though.  I need a science fiction style which fits the idea of being fast and deadly, but I can still sculpt it without too much trouble.  I'm sure it will come to me, eventually making it to the table top to get oohs and aahs from those who view it.

Speaking of table tops, I was even able to get a game in this weekend!  Though my concerns regarding the Tzeentch Daemon army were showcased in the game, it was still incredibly fun.  I expected the random nature to frustrate me intensely, but overall it wasn't as bad as I anticipated and overall evened out.  The Warp Storm table didn't really affect the game other than giving my units improved armor saves for two rounds.  I get the feeling if we had played a larger game thins would have been more pronounced (it was a 500 point game), but I mostly played to the mission and was able to keep ahead of the game by killing my opponent's troops early on and getting linebreaker and first blood.  Neither one of us took an objective, funnily enough!

Anyways, the game was a blast and I'm hoping I can get more models finished soon to play some more.  I'd like to get a larger game in to test out some of the other units in the codex.

Till next time, happy gaming.  Don't forget to enter the contest to win a fully painted Eldrad!