I've been rather quiet of late. Work is very busy, and I tend to feel that if I don't have anything worthwhile to post, that I shouldn't post. That said, the last month heralded the Ammobunker Open Bash 2013, where a number of INQ28 games were played. A grand time was had by all, and with the Easter holidays coming soon, I hope to be able to post up some stuff.

In the meantime, Peter's been working on Gillam Harrow, my cybernetic Mondominant. He's been through the wars, and whilst I'm fond of the model, there were a few touches I just wanted improving. Peter's skill has definitely improved the model.

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Here's Harrow with his cyber-mastiff, the dog from Forgeworld's recent Enforcer figure. I liked the idea that his hound was as battered as he was!

Peter put his GS skills to good use, revitalising Harrow's loincloth:

 photo Harrow_zpsceb4a337.jpg

Also, here's the current work on the Cyber-Mastiff. Although it's not the major surgery Dan was advocating, I hope it's enough to make him mine. I'd like to (find and) use the Inquisitorial symbol from the Grey Knight shoulder pad as a dog tag for the collar... though I imagine it'd need some fiddly pinning of some sort!

 photo CyberMastiff_zps79ee862b.png

I realise it's not the stunning miniature work going on on some of the blogs at the moment, but I've found it hard to do anything recently!

However, I would certainly advise you to check out the Ammobunker - particularly its new INQ28 section, which is a hotbed of really interesting modelling: AMMOBUNKER INQ28
Hope to hear from you soon,
