Maybe these internships have gotten to me.... Oh well, nothing like a bit of office humor.

Last week my Ebay Fu was strong...  I was able to cheaply acquire some reinforcements for my Legion of the Damned Space Marine army.  In the future (when more money is available) I would love to do a drop pod army.  These purchases are the next step in securing that goal, providing me with a hefty 20 more bodies to put in pods.  I plan on mixing them in with newer models and plastic conversions so the close combat weapons and bolters will be diversified.

Yes, some of them need work (like getting rid of the plasma pistols and that chaos banner) and the excess paint needs to be cleaned up, but I am looking forward to working on them.

I also picked up a devestator squad with 4 old school heavy bolters.  I may never use them, but man those look MEAN!   Perhaps when devestators go down points wise in a new Space Marine Codex will we see a unit of them include?  Who knows!  

I was pretty lucky with this purchase.  The stars must have been aligned.   Hopefully I can get some more awesome purchases like this!