A special post on something I don't do a great deal of. Rules and game mechanics!

As you may have twigged from the post title I want to talk about the Salamander, and more importantly its new rules.

Here is a photo of my Salamander Command, possibly one of my all time favourite Guard tanks.

Now it may be that people don't care about the Salamander, maybe nobody owns one other than me, nonetheless I'm going to do my best to educate you all on the wonders of this tank and the great rules it got in the latest IA book, Imperial Armour 1 2nd Edition.

The first great change for the tank is that the Command is now an Elite choice (anybody take many elites, no? Didn't think so...) so it slots in to the army nicely, the scout is fast attack so has far greater competition. The big and welcome change is that the command tank is now BS4! Fast and has scout! Furthermore it can forgo shooting and reduce the cover save of an enemy unit by 1. All this for only 60pts. Bargain.

The scout is 55 and can be bought in squadrons of up to 3, is also fast with scout but sadly is only BS3 with no other special rules.

That scanner can do wonders...

So what are your thoughts? I'm thinking my Salamander will very quickly become a staple of my guard army.