Dakka Dakka Dakka!-Ork Kill Krusha (Crann Morgan) |
Recreating history-Pzkw 3 . N (Crann Morgan) |
For the Plague God-Nurgle Predator (Nurgle Command) |
From the skies!-Ork Airship (Ian Wyatt) |
This last one isn't strictly a tank, but these things 'tank' a lot of damage....
To battle-Nemesis Dreadknight (Andrew Jashyn) That is all for now, but why not have a go at next months theme? The theme for April is...Battlegroups! I want to see photos of your whole army (or at least a combat-capable section that is usable in a game). As normal, any system, scale or models, so long as they're 100% complete. Entrants should send their images to: matthew.david.davies@gmail.com or post them onto the Facebook page |