Hi everyone,

Once again I'm back with my airborne Covenant of Antarctica force, but instead of focusing on the models I thought I'd post something about the bases.

I was told by a very wise wargamer and modeller, that every good miniature deserves a good base.  These Deadalus large flyers are great miniatures, so a good base is a minimum requirement.  I usually do not put so much work into wargaming models, but these Spartan Games minis are something special.  At least that is how I see it.  So I decided to embellish them a bit.

I decided to give all three a coastal theme, so I bought some natural cork and cut them up for cliffs.  After I was content with the positioning I glued them into place.  Next I took some epoxy putty and sculpted on some waves and land mass.

When the the epoxy putty had cured, I painted the base's sea and land in with basic colours.  The cliffs I gave several washes with thinned down browns and drybrushed.

A step that is not to be underestimated by a long shot, is the water effects.  For this I used Vallejo's Atlantic blue Water Effects to sculpt in the waves and foam splashing on the cliffs. 

When the water effects was dried, I re-painted parts of the blue areas for better depth and painted the the splashes white and let it dry properly.  Finally I gave the sea area a coat of gloss medium (except for the white water).
I then painted the land areas with burnt umber and added some flock.  Overall a simple few steps that in my humble opinion gives a very catchy effect and complements these fantastic minis in an appropriate manner. I will post some pics of the bases with flock at a later stage.

Well that is all for now.  Until my next post;

Farewell and good health,
