Time for a training update. 

Training is going good. 

Feel like I am making steady progress again. 


3.22.13 Bench n Back: Bdy weight 282lb

Warm Ups
Flat Bench Press: 320 x9, 9 (PR’s)
Pendlay Barbell Rows: 275lb x 10, 10, 10
Incline Bench Press: 225lb x 15, 15
Weighted Pull Ups (+25lb): 9, 9, 9
Close Grip Bench: 275lb x 8, 8
Dumbbell Curls: 60’s x 8, 8
Tricep Extensions (Cable  version of Skull Crushers) 115lb x 10, 10
Reverse EZ Bar Curls: 95lb x 12, 12
·         Still nursed my shoulder. So hit the big lifts hard and cruised through the rest, also why no Dumb Bell presses.

3.25.13 Squats/Back  Body Weight 278lb

Warm Ups
Front Squats: 245lb x8, 8 275lb x 8, 8 295lb x 5, 5
Leg Extensions: 40lb x 50, 40, 30
Standing Overhead Press:  185lb x 8, 8, 8 (Nice and slow and to full lock out)
Stiff Legg Dead Lift: 225 x 12, 315lb x 10, 10, 10
Seated Smith Machine Overhead Press: 205lb x 8, 8
Face Pulls: 220lb x 12, 12, 12
Think I did some T-Bar rows but can’t remember.

3.27.13 Chest/Back

Warm Ups
Flat Bench 320lb x 9, 10 (PR 2nd Set)
Pendlay  Rows: 275lb x 8, 8, 8 (felt light)
Incline Bench: 245lb x 12, 12, 12
Weighted Pull Ups (+25lb): 10, 10, 10
Close Grip Flat Bench: 295lb x 6, 6
Super set  Dips with Dumbbell Curls: Dips Bdy weight for 25, 60’s for 3 sets of 5-6

3.28.13. Squats and Deads

Warm Up
Back Squats: 315lb x 8, 8, 8…345lb x 8, 8….still working on depth, weight is really not that important right now.
Dead Lifts: 315 x6, 6; 365 x 6; 405 x 6; 425 x 3; 445 x1; 465 x1….felt a little heavy after squats.
Rack Pulls: 455lb x 3, 3, 3, 3, 3
Weighted Side Bends: 135lb x 10, 10, 10

Won’t be back in the gym until after the first due to work and stuff; a little time off will do me good.

4.1.13 Maintenance Day: Traveling and up in Traverse City

Warm Up
Squat: 315lb x8, 8, 8; 345lb x 8, 8
Deadlifts: 405 x 5, 5; 425 x 3; 445 x 3, 3
Flat Bench Press: 315 x 8, 8, 8 super set with body weight pull ups, wide grip (4 x 12)
Bdy weight Dips 3x15; superset with chin ups 3 x12

Completed workout in about an hour; felt good, good pump.

Now that Easter is over and travel done, back to normal routine starting tomorrow.

Thanks for the read,