Brent here, on this fine Monday morning.

Except it's Tuesday and I sacrificed Monday on the alter of work.  Off late, then bed as early as possible, with something of a blur in between.  Jennifer made good lasagna though.

I'm knocking out my Circle army for Hordes.  Here's a work in progress of the Pureblood.

I want him to hold something bloody in his right hand - just haven't decided what yet.

In other news, my room is wrecked.  Seriously.

I tend to enjoy putting up these voyeuristic game room pictures, but I also enjoy seeing them.  If anyone has a link, please drop it!  I know it's a pain these days with the anti-spam-bot-measures-of-craziness but it would be appreciated.

In my case, Dad bought me a nice work table from the big-box hardware store, and I put it together before realizing I didn't have the actual wooden top.  Plus, I'm removing shelving to make room for it, then got stuck in between.

Ah well. 

Off to work, I suppose...