This evening I had Neil of The Chaps round to work on a game we’ve been developing with Lee of The Chaps. We’re reaching the point where we’ll be able to start basic playtesting as our mechanic is, if I do say so myself, rather elegant and so we need to make sure it holds up to full scale games before we get too involved in the more exotic rules and campaigns etc. So, inevitably we started browsing the interwebs for models that would proxy until such time as we’re ready to get models designed and cast.


As we started to put together a list of companies we liked the look of we naturally started going through the list of traders attending Salute  2013 to see if they would be there. And before we knew it a shopping list had started to form as well as an increasing list of traders to visit.

This got me thinking about how much fun events like Salute can be as it’s not always about running around like a child trying to spend all your money as quickly as possible (although that can be fun too). And it’s not always about looking at and investing in new games or just picking up models because you like them. This year myself and Neil and Lee are going there with the intention of seeing what models we can find that fit in with our various hobby projects. The age-old art of Proxying.

The really exciting part is that there are so many good companies out there producing some wonderful games and some awesome models and is this very reason that gives this site its main focus. As we browsed the internet we came across models that we wanted to buy and we dutifully added them to our shopping list and made notes against the trader list (which is so full of mistakes it’s actually embarrassing). I thought I’d share some of the models we have our eye on and the companies that produce them…

Troopers from Heresy Miniatures


The Convoy from Taban’s Eden



A couple of hard nuts from Pulp City


And a few villainous sorts from Knight Models


And maybe finished off with a few Special Forces from Urban Mammoth


And this is on top of all the other stuff that was already on our shopping list but you know what, it’s part of the fun of going to events like Salute because no matter how strict you plan on being, and how rigidly you stick to your shopping list one still can’t help but run around the place like a child on a sugar high because there’s few things better than going round with your mates, looking at cool toys, buying a few and in your head work out how much you’re going to tell the wife how much you spent whilst grimacing at how much you really spent.

For all those going to Salute this year I’d love to hear what’s on your shopping list…