I have decided to build a new Dark Eldar army and this is as far as I've got.
Being a cheapskate son of a bitch, I am working to a budget. So my only new purchases are the codex and the warlord. Everything else is second hand.
DE were the 'Game Army' in the late 80s so there a great deal of material around. Expect to pick up warriors for about 25p each, many still on the sprue. Metal figures will cost in the region of a Pound.
For a colour sceme I decided to avoid the dark colours in favur of high gloss metallic. I used purple/ dark blue metallic layers to give a discordant menacing look.
Bases are drab to show off the figs are ane painted with Tamiya Pavement Effect paint. This gives a subtle thick matt surface.
I have 20 more warriors, five more jetbikes (at £3.25 each) to paint and base and a modern box of kabalite warriors to use as elite trueborn. I will add modern witches as I vastly prefer them to the old models. That should make a nice little raiding force.
Modern stuff new will cost about £65
Old second hand stuff off eBay (most of it) about £40
So a new army for under the ton.