By Spaguatyrine
The Indy Open and I are supporting this Grand Tournament event from The Custodes Imperialis gaming group located in Lafayette, IN just a short drive from Indianapolis.
The name of the event is Tippcon and this is the third year of the event but the 1st year they are running a grand tournament event. There are a ton of prizes and events to choose from....
You can check out the Tippcon site here. They have everything from the 40K GT event to Dystopian Wars, Uncharted Seas, Warmachine, X-wing, Warhammer Fantasy, open gaming, and more!
I attended last year and had a blast. They have upgraded to a bigger and better location to hold a ton of different gaming events and run a full fledged 64 man 40K grand tournament.
The prize support is huge from what I am told with over $1000 in prizes. A sneak peek into some of the prizes is below:
Renaissance Man: $100
Best General: $200
Second In Command: Battle Force of Choice
Best Appearance: Massive Paint, brush, conversion, basing kit
Best Sportsman: Dark Vengeance Set
Multiple Best Showings for factions Lots of prizes
Players Choice Award
The Master Tactician
The Headhunter
The Opportunist
The Aggressor
And Many more!!!!
Last year Grey Knights took out Dark eldar for the top spot! Who is gonna rise to the top?
Necron Air??? Helldrake terror???? Tau drone madness???? Chaos Heralds and tons of seekers and fiends???? Ork mobs????? Grey Knights?? Space Marines?? Eldar?? Sisters of Battle??? Imperial Guard?? Dark Eldar???
Pre register today!!
2013 Tippcon Grand Tournament in Lafayette, Indiana June 15th-16th!!
by spaguatyrine | Apr 8, 2013