Given that there is now less then a week until I start driving to Adepticon, I decided to actually get to work on my 40k related tasks.  The first thing I decided to knock out is working on my team's display boards.   Given the lack of time and the fact our team was assembled at the last minute, we aren't going for some grandiose team display.  Instead, I am shooting for portability and small size.

Smaller is better right?  For those who have not been to major tournament, moving models in between rounds is a complete pain in the ass.     256 people shifting spots sucks.  Especially when everyone is carrying around gigantic displays.  So I have a solution to that problem. 

Two years ago, I began working on a portable display for my very first Adepticon team tournament.  I purchased 4 wooden trays that my team was going to use during the event.  Well long story short, my team abandoned me, the boards were never finished, and have been sitting in my 40k collection holding models and dust.  Well not any more.  I am finishing them up for this team event. 

You would be surprised what a little gravel, ballast, paint, and flock can do to a boring wooden tray! 

Step #1 Base Coat the entire tray in black, it looks professional
Step #2 Apply Glue and Ballast, make sure glue is completely dry before moving to step #3

Step #3 Paint over the Ballast with the undercoat
Step #4 Highlight the base coat with whatever colors you desire, utilizing a dry brush technique

Step #5 Glue and apply static grass, snow, flock, whatever else your heart desires to add some depth

Like I said, piece of cake.  I was able to complete all four boards within 5 hours.  I had to allow ample time for everything to dry.  Here is a group shot with all of the boards finished up and looking amazing. 

Most amazing boards ever?  Hell YEAH!  Am I going to win an award? Nope.  But I will be laughing as my team can quickly move around with our armies in between games. 

Up next, working on my championship display.  So far I have the base coat down, the ballast, and the first cover up coat.  I am waiting on some terrain elements before I go any further with it.

But before I wrap up this post.... internet cookie to whomever guess what our team army is!