Two weeks ago I posted an update that showed the then-current status of my Ogres.  It included the majority of my second Battalion, built as Ogres, Ironguts and Leadbelchers, at the ‘primed + skin’ stage.  Well, today I can show off those same 12 Ogres at the ‘painted and ready for a dip’ stage.


They’ve all been painted just like the first bunch that I did.  I once again made sure that no pants colours were repeated within any of the units, and the same goes for heads.


When they’re all done up with their dip, anti-shine spray and basing I’ll post a showcase for each unit and talk about the individual models, and the bits I used for them.


I’m going to get the Quickshade on these guys as soon as I hit ‘Publish.’  I am definitely going to be getting that anti-shine this week, likely on Tuesday.  That means that as soon as the weather is favourable, I will go out and give them a spray.  Of course I’m going to test it on some Skaven Clanrats that I previously tested the dip on.

I’m going to take a quick break from Ogres and either paint or just build something else.  In the background of the last photo you can see some Super Dungeon Explore heroes that I’m building.  These will be a future painting project, but they’ve got to be assembled first.

Otherwise, check back soon for more Ogre-goodness, and finally some fully completed units!

Thanks for reading.