This weekend coming I'm having all the PaintHammer guys (Dorian, Jason and Mike) as well as Jamie round for a day of gaming and banter. We're playing 5 rounds of SCGT comp games with the winner taking home bragging rights. To add a little twist and to encourage soft comp there is also an award for the person with the character that kills the most points in close combat. I spent a little time and made the above little trophy to hand out to commemorate the event. Hopefully we will use this trophy for future wee events and the previous winner will scrawl their name onto the wooden base and bring it back to defend their title.

We will be taking buckets of pictures and updates will be on twitter through out the day. The armies being played are as follows:

Rich: Frostfang Ogre Tribe (I'll post my list after the event)

Jamie: Empire

Jason: Warriors of Chaos

Mike: Dwarfs

Dorian: High Elves

Tweet me on the day if you want to know anything or would like a specific picture or combat detailed! Here's a break down of the day's events:

Lunch: Hotdogs
Dinner: Spanish Catalan Stew

Saturday 20th April

1200: Pick up Jamie, Mike, Jason and Dermot from Croy Train station

1230-1500 Round 1
Jamie (Empire) vs Jason (Warriors of Chaos)
Dermot (High Elves) vs Mike (Dwarfs)
Rich: Scores, serve lunch and start making dinner

1500- 1730 Round 2
Rich (Ogres) vs Mike (Dwarfs)
Jamie (Empire) vs Dermot (High Elves)
Jason: Scores and keep an eye on the dinner

1730 Dinner
1830 - 2030 Round 3
Rich (Ogres) vs Dermot (High Elves)
Jason (Warriors of Chaos) vs Mike (Dwarfs)
Jamie: Scores, Dishes (muhahah!)

2030 - 2300 Round 4
Rich (Ogres) vs Jason (Warriors of Chaos)
Mike (Dwarfs) vs Jamie (Empire)
Dermot: Scores coffee provision

2300 - 0130 Round 5
Rich (Ogres) vs Jamie (Empire)
Dermot (High Elves) vs Jason (Warriors of Chaos)
Mike: Scores, nervous waiting and heckling!

Awards, Banter and Tidy Up!
I'm really looking forward to this, been ages since I've played a load of games with the lads!